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SKU: postcode-2450
What's Included:
Green check icon34,202 Addresses
Green check iconGeocode & Residential/Non-Residential Flag Included

What’s in the Address Lists?

Locality Unit/Apartments Street Addresses PO Boxes Total Addresses Residential Non-Residential Unknown
BOAMBEE - NSW 1 652 0 653 647 6 0
BONVILLE - NSW 91 1,197 153 1,441 1,416 25 0
BROOKLANA - NSW 0 40 0 40 40 0 0
BUCCA - NSW 0 235 0 235 235 0 0
COFFS HARBOUR - NSW 7,861 9,950 2,713 20,524 17,032 3,499 0
COFFS HARBOUR DC - NSW 0 0 120 120 52 68 0
COFFS HARBOUR JETTY - NSW 0 0 941 941 724 217 0
COFFS HARBOUR PLAZA - NSW 0 0 1,039 1,039 566 473 0
CORAMBA - NSW 0 364 217 581 573 8 0
GLENREAGH - NSW 0 413 403 816 753 63 0
KARANGI - NSW 1 228 0 229 225 4 0
KORORA - NSW 303 1,204 0 1,507 1,496 12 0
LOWANNA - NSW 0 195 63 258 251 7 0
MOONEE BEACH - NSW 129 933 156 1,218 1,137 81 0
NANA GLEN - NSW 0 500 481 981 926 55 0
NORTH BOAMBEE VALLEY - NSW 417 1,123 0 1,540 1,153 387 0
SAPPHIRE BEACH - NSW 481 1,090 0 1,571 1,496 75 0
SHERWOOD - NSW 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
ULONG - NSW 0 126 22 148 135 13 0
UPPER ORARA - NSW 0 359 0 359 356 3 0
Locality Count Total Unit/Apartments Total Street Addresses Total PO Boxes Total Addresses Total Residential Total Non-Residential Total Unknown
20 9,284 18,610 6,308 34,202 29,214 4,996 0

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the format?

The data is provided in a standard text delimited file format with fields delimited by a bar character “|”.

Quality of the data?

The PAF’s quality is extremely high. The data is sourced from local government and verified postal workers who deliver mail.

How many addresses are included in the PAF?

The PAF currently contains over 15 million verified deliverable addresses in Australia.

How long till I receive my data files after purchase?

You can start using the address data right away. Once you complete your purchase, you will receive immediate access to the data files. We provide instant download links via the Address Lists website and we’ll send you a copy of the download link via email, along with your invoice.

What if I lose my download link to the address file?

If you lose your download link to the address file, don’t worry! Our customer support team is here to assist you. Simply reach out to our support team via form, email or phone, and they will provide you with a new download link so you can access your purchased address data.

What are the payment methods?

You can use major credit cards like Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Additionally, we support Apple Pay, Google Pay, UnionPay and other providers for a seamless payment experience.

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Australian Address Data thats accurate. Is pure gold for business.

The PAF is Australia’s best file of verified deliverable addresses.

It contains every deliverable address point in Australia – currently over 15 million addresses. It includes not only street addresses but unit information and postal addresses such as PO Boxes. Compiled and maintained by Australia Post, the PAF was designed primarily to assist them with the delivery of mail. Data is sourced from local, state and territory government land records and Commonwealth government agencies. The quality is extremely high. Data is sourced from local government and then verified by Post delivering the mail.

Verified deliverable addresses image

Effortless Search, Precise Results

With our intuitive search functionality, finding the exact addresses you need is as easy as ever. Seamlessly navigate through our vast database of over 15 million+ verified addresses, and enjoy seamless searches on both postcode and state levels. Whether you’re targeting a specific region or analysing broader trends, DataTools Address Lists has you covered!

Effortless search UI

Innovative companies worldwide choose DataTools to ignite possibilities

HCFApra AmcosLeukaemia FoundationBOQCommonwealth BankQantasBible Society
Guide DogsSeafollyNimbleSpecsaversRodd&GunnRM WilliamsUniqlo
Catholic MissionRabobankDavid JonesRedballoonCrown ResortsBOCUNSW
Australian address lists logo

Struggling to find the Postcode your looking for?

Tip: Try Searching by Subrub
Search for postcode UI

About DataTools

DataTools, an innovative Australian software solutions company who have been providing world leading data quality software to Australian organisations for almost three decades.

DataTools offers a comprehensive address verification and autocomplete service tailored for Australia & New Zealand. Effortlessly capture addresses with 100% accuracy and no ambiguities through precise address autocompletion and verification. We provide comprehensive solutions including Australian address validation, verification, capture, phone & email verification, geocoding, parsing, and more. Our range of products are accessible via Cloud, APIs, or desktop platforms.

An image of Datatools building in Sydney Australia
Address Validation

Improve existing data in real-time

DataTools enables batches of existing address data to be cleansed in real-time with no human interaction required.

Icon for Address validation
UI that shows how to improve existing data in real-time
Address Capture

Improve newly newly captured data

DataTools’ address capture technology increases efficiency by streamlining address entry, whether that’s online during checkout, at POS or within a CRM.

Icon for Address capture
UI that shows how to improve newly newly captured data