
Address Lists Search

State, LGA, Suburb, Postcode & Address Finder


Address Lists Search

State, LGA, Suburb, Postcode
& Address Finder


Address Lists Search

State, LGA, Suburb, Postcode
& Address Finder

Address Lists

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Couldn't find what you were looking for?

About DataTools

DataTools, an innovative Australian software solutions company who have been providing world leading data quality software to Australian organisations for almost three decades.

DataTools offers a comprehensive address verification and autocomplete service tailored for Australia & New Zealand.
Effortlessly capture addresses with 100% accuracy and no ambiguities through precise address autocompletion and verification. We provide comprehensive solutions including Australian address validation, verification, capture, phone & email verification, geocoding, parsing, and more. Our range of products are accessible via Cloud, APIs, or desktop platforms.

Address Validation

Improve existing data in real-time with no human interaction.

DataTools’ advanced “Human Touch” logic enables batches of existing address data to be cleansed in real-time with no human interaction required.

Address Verification

Improve newly captured data.

DataTools’ address capture technology increases efficiency by streamlining address entry, whether that’s online during checkout, at POS or within a CRM. This technology also ensures that accurate data is submitted at the front-end thus minimising downstream issues. Improving not only the quality of your address data captured but also the user experience by shortening data-entry time.

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DataTools Products & Features

Dive into the comprehensive range of products and features offered by DataTools. Discover tailored solutions that cater to your specific data management needs.

About DataTools

DataTools, an innovative Australian software solutions company who have been providing world leading data quality software to Australian organisations for almost three decades.

DataTools offers a comprehensive address verification and autocomplete service tailored for Australia & New Zealand.
Effortlessly capture addresses with 100% accuracy and no ambiguities through precise address autocompletion and verification. We provide comprehensive solutions including Australian address validation, verification, capture, phone & email verification, geocoding, parsing, and more. Our range of products are accessible via Cloud, APIs, or desktop platforms.

Address Validation

Improve existing data in real-time with no human interaction.

DataTools’ advanced “Human Touch” logic enables batches of existing address data to be cleansed in real-time with no human interaction required.

Address Verification

Improve newly captured data.

DataTools’ address capture technology increases efficiency by streamlining address entry, whether that’s online during checkout, at POS or within a CRM. This technology also ensures that accurate data is submitted at the front-end thus minimising downstream issues. Improving not only the quality of your address data captured but also the user experience by shortening data-entry time.

Explore all Services

DataTools Products & Features

Dive into the comprehensive range of products and features offered by DataTools. Discover tailored solutions that cater to your specific data management needs.

DataTools Address Lists

Empower your business with accurate & precise Australian address data

Harness the power of Australia’s most premium dataset of addresses – Australia Post’s (PAF) for unmatched accuracy. 

 Gain access to over 15 million+ Australian addresses 

Immediate Access to Address List Files

Obtain the latest Address Data

Simple & Clear Data Files

Secure Purchase 

DataTools Address Lists

Empower your business with accurate & precise Australian address data

Harness the power of Australia’s most premium dataset of addresses – Australia Post’s (PAF) for unmatched accuracy. 

 Gain access to over 15 million+ Australian addresses 

Immediate Access to Address List Files

Obtain the latest Address Data

Simple & Clear Data Files

Secure Purchase 

Australian Address Data that’s Accurate, is pure gold. 

Australian Address Data that’s Accurate, is pure gold. 

The PAF is Australia’s best file of verified deliverable addresses.  

It contains every deliverable address point in Australia – currently over 15 million addresses. It includes not only street addresses but unit information and postal addresses such as PO Boxes. Compiled and maintained by Australia Post, the PAF was designed primarily to assist them with the delivery of mail. Data is sourced from local, state and territory government land records and Commonwealth government agencies. The quality is extremely high. Data is sourced from local government and then verified by Post delivering the mail.

Effortless Search, Precise Results

With our intuitive search functionality, finding the exact addresses you need is as easy as ever. Seamlessly navigate through our vast database of over 15 million+ verified addresses, and enjoy seamless searches on both postcode and state levels. Whether you’re targeting a specific region or analysing broader trends, DataTools Address Lists has you covered!

Innovative companies worldwide choose DataTools to ignite possibilities.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Here’s the answer to the most common asked questions about Address Lists.

What is DataTools Address Lists?

DataTools Address Lists is a service that provides businesses with accurate and precise Australian address data sourced from Australia Post’s Postal Address File (PAF).

What is Australia Post's Postal Address File (PAF)?

The Postal Address File (PAF) is Australia’s most premium dataset of addresses. It contains every deliverable address point in Australia, including street addresses, unit information, and postal addresses like PO Boxes. It is maintained by Australia Post and sourced from local, state, and territory government land records and Commonwealth government agencies.

How many addresses are included in the PAF?

The PAF currently contains over 15 million verified deliverable addresses in Australia.

How is the accuracy of the data ensured?

The PAF’s quality is extremely high, as the data is sourced from local government and verified by the postal workers (Posties) who deliver the mail.

Are the data files easy to use?

Yes, the data files are designed to be simple to view and load into other software applications. The data is provided in a standard text delimited file format with fields delimited by a bar character “|”.


1 | The Old Bank Building | Unit 1 20 Aberdeen St | GLEBE | TAS | 7000 | S | Y | Y | N | -42.87229219 | 147.32676278 | P

What fields are included?

The file contains the following columns\fields.

Field Name




Row number



The Building Name of the address when available. Normally used as the first address line after the person and business name.

The Old Bank Building


The address line formatted and ready for print.

Unit 1 20 Aberdeen St


The Locality\Suburb\Town



The State



The Postcode



Address Type. S=Street address and P=Postal address, for example “PO Box”.



Identifies if the address contains Unit\Apartment numbers. Y=Yes and N=No



Indicates whether primary purpose of the address is for residential use. Y=Yes and N=No




Indicates whether the address is used for commercial or non-residential purposes. A business operating from a residential address may be indicated if there is visible signage of the business. Y=Yes and N=No




Latitude Coordinates



Longitude Coordinates



Returns a code that indicates the level to which the address could be geocoded. P=Premise or Building Match, S=Street Level Match and L=Locality Level Match



How should I present the addresses fields provided when printing the address onto an envelope?

To the HouseholdOr something similar. This is where the person or business name normally goes.
[BUILDING_NAME]Note, building names are not commonly available. Don’t print blank line if missing.
[ADDRESS_LINE_1]The data comes pre-formatted ready for print.
[LOCALITY]  [STATE]  [POSTCODE]Print the Locality, State and Postcode on a single line, the last address line. Separate each field by 2 spaces. Print the locality and state in uppercase (the data is already pre-formatted in uppercase).
How long till I receive my data files after purchase?

You can start using the address data right away. Once you complete your purchase, you will receive immediate access to the data files. We provide instant download links via the Address Lists website and we’ll send you a copy of the download link via email, along with your invoice. 

If you lose your download link to the address file, don’t worry! Our customer support team is here to assist you. Simply reach out to our support team via form, email or phone, and they will provide you with a new download link so you can access your purchased address data.

What are the payment methods?

We offer a variety of secure payment methods to make your purchase convenient. You can use major credit cards, such as Visa, Mastercard and American Express. 

How often does the Address List Data update?

We take pride in providing our customers with the most up-to-date address data available. The Address List Data is regularly updated to ensure accuracy and relevancy. We release new updates of the address lists quarterly, in the months of March, June, September and December.

How can you use Address Lists?

You as a customer can use the Data to:

  1. Market and communicate to your existing customers or list of addresses in the Data dataset;
  2. Perform analytics and data integration for your own internal use;
  3. Add attributes to the Data dataset for your own internal use; and
  4. Assist with planning and allocating resources and products or providing services to your existing customers.
Are there any restrictions for the use of the Address Lists?

You as a customer cannot:

  1. Supply or make the Data dataset available to a third party unless that third party is using the Data dataset on behalf of you the Customer to provide services to the Customer and that third party does not retain or use the Data dataset for any other purposes;
  2. Sell, transfer, distribute or otherwise deal with the Data dataset; or
  3. Use the Data dataset to validate addresses or create a product that validates addresses or similar.

Australian Address Lists

A Remarkable Solution at Your Fingertips.

 Gain access to over 15 million+ Australian addresses 

Address Lists

A Remarkable Solution at Your Fingertips.

 Gain access to over 15 million+ Australian addresses 

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Australian Address Lists

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Postcode by State