Address count for: Victoria (VIC)
TotalUnit | TotalNoUnit | TotalPostal | TotalCount | Residential | NonResidential | UnknownResidential |
1,284,767 | 3,016,344 | 416,223 | 4,717,334 | 3,584,777 | 387,286 | 387,286 |
Address count for: Victoria (VIC)
TotalUnit | TotalNoUnit | TotalPostal | TotalCount | Residential | NonResidential | UnknownResidential |
1,284,767 | 3,016,344 | 416,223 | 4,717,334 | 3,584,777 | 387,286 | 387,286 |
It contains every deliverable address point in Australia – currently over 15 million addresses. It includes not only street addresses but unit information and postal addresses such as PO Boxes. Compiled and maintained by Australia Post, the PAF was designed primarily to assist them with the delivery of mail. Data is sourced from local, state and territory government land records and Commonwealth government agencies. The quality is extremely high. Data is sourced from local government and then verified by Post delivering the mail.
With our intuitive search functionality, finding the exact addresses you need is as easy as ever. Seamlessly navigate through our vast database of over 15 million+ verified addresses, and enjoy seamless searches on both postcode and state levels. Whether you’re targeting a specific region or analyzing broader trends, DataTools Address Lists has you covered!
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